How will our stories be told? What will our lives look like to children of the future reading about us in their history books? I remember playing the whisper game in elementary school where one person whispers to another. Then that person whispers to the next and so on. Finally, the last person to hear the whisper says what they hear out loud. The final “secret” is never what was originally said.
I fear the historical records of us living through this pandemic will end up like the whisper game. As our story is being told time and time again, will we be dying in the streets? When all of the businesses closed down early on, will those who are unemployed be hired to clear the bodies from the street to bury us in mass graves? I already believe the numbers reported who have died from Covid-19 are inflated, how much worse will that number be in the history books?
Reasonable Paranoia?
As all of my paranoia and conspiracy theories come pouring out, I think about everything I remember hearing about the killer plagues of the past. I remember all the stories about people dying in the streets and lower class being paid to clear the bodies. Did these things really happen as wide scale as I was taught? I know that they did not have the medical advances and technology that we have today, but is it possible that the records play out like the whisper game?
I feel myself going down the rabbit hole of deadly virus conspiracies. Now I am questioning if these killer outbreaks were as bad as reported. Or is this just a case of the whisper game. Maybe this is intentional hype for dramatic purposes. It’s not like anyone who lived through these times are around to tell their story.
One thousand two hundred seventy-two years ago was the end of the Plague of the Justinian. This plague is reported to have killed as many as 10,000 people a day. That sounds like a ridiculously high number. How do we know this? I find it very unlikely that proper death records were being kept. I found various sites that also state that an estimated 30-50 million people died from the Plague of Justinian between 541 and 750. 20 million is a huge number for a range especially considering the world population is estimated somewhere around 100 million at that time.
This makes me question the real severity of this outbreak. I am confident that it was very devastating, but the facts I read seem a bit outlandish. If the amount of death has been exaggerated, why wouldn’t the carnage in the street be exaggerated too? If our scientific experts are determining this information of past pandemics, who is to say that the scientific experts of the future will not determine similar information for the pandemic of 2020?
Six hundred seventy-one years ago was the end of the Bubonic Plague, better known as the Black Plague. Everyone has heard of this one. There are claims of 75-200 million people who died in just seven years from this disease in a population of just 443 million. Seriously? I thought 20 million was a ridiculous range of death. Now we are talking a range of 120 million people. Right there should throw some doubt. No, I am not pulling these number ranges from contradicting sites. I am pulling this 120 million people range from one site, Wikipedia. When I looked at other reputable sites, they were all over the place too with huge death ranges.
As with the Plague of Justinian, they report bodies filling up the streets. They report the poor being paid to dispose of the bodies. Everything I have read of 1346-1353 seems to be a carbon copy of 541-750, but with bird suits. This is more and more sounding like another case of the Whisper Game.
On hundred three years ago was the end of the Spanish Flu outbreak. This pandemic is claimed to have taken the lives of 50-100 million people in just one year. The world population at that time was around 1.8 billion people. Even considering the amount of people on Earth at the time, a 50 million person range still seems pretty wide. Again, I am sure proper death records were not being kept, but how are we estimating these numbers?
As with the previous plagues I talked about, there was more of the poor being paid to bury the bodies in mass graves. I was unable to find credible reports of bodies lying in the streets. It seems as there were a shortage of caskets and funeral staff, and mass graves were the most efficient way to take care of the dead. Especially since this disease hit in the midst of a war, I imagine a shortage on many things.
This plague came with an odd conspiracy. Unlike today where we are shouting fire in a crowded room about Covid, our government tried to keep the Spanish Flu hidden. Not only the United States, but other countries as well kept the existence and severity of the disease hidden. How is that for the Whisper Game? Spain was the only country reporting the pandemic and what is believed to be their true death rates to their citizens which apparently is how the name the Spanish Flu came to be.
Two years ago, we entered into Covid 19, the pandemic of 2022. In a world population of 7.9 billion people, there have been around 6 million deaths. My personal belief is that number is most likely inflated. I personally know that someone who was in a car accident. Then taken to the hospital for treatment. Hospitals were testing everyone being treated and he did test positive for Covid back in June of 2020. Three weeks later, he did pass away from his injuries sustained during the car accident. Covid was listed as a contributing cause of death. No known illness or symptoms prior to the accident. He wasn’t even the driver at fault, but Covid apparently played a part in his death.
If this has personally touched me, how many other deaths are out there with Covid listed as a contributing factor? All of these falsehoods could be included in our 6 million deaths. Unlike 1918, we are shouting Covid from the rooftops. I am all about making the public aware of a disease traveling faster than the average cold or flu. I am not OK with scare tactics to get people to fall in line. That reminds me of another time in history that we will not go into right now. I do not believe today is a case of the Whisper Game, I believe today is a case of intentional hype for one reason or another.
Crazy Babble or Just My Voice of Reason??
I know I can get lost in my own paranoia, but the history books have to be inflated. How can I be alone thinking the Whisper Game played a role in the world’s worst pandemics? Or worse, intentional hype? Again, I know I rarely have the popular opinion, but let me know if I am off base with this one. Has this been more of my crazy babble or a voice of reason??
Wow, another great one. Sorry I missed it when it posted last week. I couldn’t agree more. Most of our history books are embellished & I can’t even imagine what they will say about the plague of 2020.
Thanks for reading! I appreciate you coming back time and again! I don’t want to imagine how they will read either. It is pretty sad and makes me question if some many other parts of history I have read about.