Let’s talk about it. Just because we as Americans are afforded certain rights, it does not mean that we are required to take advantage of them. Having the freedom of religion does not mean that you must actively practice a religion. Even though we have the right to bear arms, we are not required to own guns. And of course, if we have the right to terminate a pregnancy, no one will force us to kill our unborn children.
People are up in arms about the possible reversal of Roe v Wade. I get it, I was offended when I heard it may be reversed. Who are these federal judges to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body? I have calmed down from the initial shock, but it is still offensive to me. Just because we currently have the right to have an abortion, does not mean every pregnant woman must have an abortion.
Thankfully, I have never been in the position of an unplanned pregnancy. Even though I do not believe it would ever be the right choice for me, it should be my choice. No person or group of people should be making medical decisions about someone else’s body. Personally, I feel abortion is wrong, but I am still very pro-choice.
Let’s Talk Stereotypes
As much as I hate to throw people in groups, I’m not sure how else to get my point across. The majority of people who are pro-life are republicans. The majority of republicans are pro 2nd amendment. I am anti-gun. I feel that there are too many guns out there and in the wrong hands. They are too easy to get. The wrong people are getting them too easily legally and they are definitely too easy to get illegally on the street.
That being said, just because I believe that guns are wrong, I would never lobby to take the right to bear arms away from someone else. As we all know, gun violence goes up each year in this country. Even though I think much tougher gun laws are in order along with stiffer restrictions on gun manufacturers, I also understand that there are responsible gun owners that have rights. It seems a bit hypocritical to me to be for one choice, but not the other.
Let’s Talk Life
For the record, I am not as cold and callous as I am about to come off. But a common argument that I hear from pro-lifers is that there is no reason to take the life of the unborn child when adoption is an option. Yes, that is an option. There are approximately 500,000 kids currently in the foster system. That is half a million kids remove from their homes for abuse or neglect. In addition, there are another 100,000 kids that were surrendered and waiting to be adopted.
That is 600,000 kids waiting for a loving home, many after already being abused or neglected. This doesn’t even take into account the kids living in inhumane conditions that child welfare hasn’t gotten to yet. There are approximately 4.3 million reported cases of child abuse and neglect each year in the United States. If you know you are not in a position to properly raise a child, are you not making a more responsible decision to have an abortion than you would be poorly taking care of a child you are not equipped to take care of? Quality of life should come into play, but yes, adoption is a valid alternative to abortion.
Let’s Talk Sea Turtles and Eagles
Does Sen Steve Daines think that humans are an endangered species, or does he not understand that is why there are penalties for destroying sea turtle and eagle eggs?? It is encouraged to kill lice and bedbug eggs. Lice and bedbugs are living things. They may be a pest, but they are living, and they have souls. Let’s make the killing of any living thing illegal. Yes, I know that I am missing the point he is trying to make, but it is ridiculous to make this comparison, borderline offensive even.
Senator Daines also talks about no right to abortion. The words “abortion” may not be in the constitution, but there are many rights that we are afforded that are not specifically spelled out in the constitution. We allow people to refuse medical treatment and make other medical decisions about their bodies. To my knowledge, there is no mention of anything relating to medical or health care in the constitution, but these rights are still afforded by the 5th amendment.
Crazy Babble or Just My Voice of Reason??
I know there are very valid points for both sides. I am very torn because I do truly believe that abortion is wrong, but my belief shouldn’t impede someone else’s right to choose. No matter how wrong I think abortion is or guns for that matter, it should still be a personal choice. Let’s talk about my crazy babble or my voice of reason. Let me know if I am not making logical points here. At the end of the day, no matter what side you are on, don’t you think that you should be on the side of freedom and personal choice?
More political than I’m used to reading from you. Even though we do not see eye to eye on everything you talk about here, I like that you are not trashing the point of views you do not agree with. The right to choose for yourself should be paramount, but when it comes to abortion, you are making a choice for an unborn child not for yourself.
I am reasonable. Just because I feel strongly about something, doesn’t mean I am closed minded about it. No one is right all the time. If my way of thinking is flawed, I want to know about it.
In regard to your last statement, I do not believe a fetus is not an unborn child until consciousness develops. I am not an expert by any means, but my understanding is that REM cycles do not begin until around 28 weeks. I believe that the cycle between sleep and wake is needed for consciousness. Therefore, my belief is that abortion is a woman’s choice, a medical decision about her own body (as long as we are not talking about late term abortions).
If my definition of when a fetus becomes an unborn child is different than yours, parents make decisions for their children every day. No, they cannot kill their child, but they can make the decision to remove life support.
That all being said, this is exactly what I was hoping for when I began this blog. Opening up conversations about different point of views. Thank you and I hope you still come back to read more even if we do not always agree. Thanks for all of your support!