Jesus, CBD, and Robots

I do not understand spam bots. Every day I am deleting 50+ comments about Jesus and CBD from robot spammers. This doesn’t even include the 20+ emails a day I get from my contact me page.

So far, I am not getting anyone who want me or my readers to click a link. There are no promoting of other sites or products. It is just random words about Jesus and CBD obviously from bot spammers. Most of which have not been written by someone who uses English as their first language. What am I missing? What are spammers getting out of this?

I am a new site with practically no readers. Where are these people coming from? How are they finding their way to my site? Why do none of the spam protection I am using work? I cannot imagine how this effects people with successful sites with many readers. Normally, my paranoia would prevent me from writing this since it would just encourage more spam, but I am pretty confident no one is actually reading these posts.


I am not very tech savvy. I am a middle-aged woman looking to get my thoughts out there, wondering why people do not think like me. Just launching this site which has no bells or whistles was a very time consuming and a huge challenge for me. What are spam bots?

Are these bots a program that people create? Do people pay for a service to annoy others? What purpose would it serve to spam about Jesus and CBD using a robot? It’s not like any of these spammers are promoting their own sites or products. I am not asking because I want to get in on this game, I am asking because I want to know what these are so I can try to understand what the purpose is.


So, if there were links being posted and these spam bots looking to infect or hack the readers who might click the link, I would get that. I in no way approve or think it is acceptable to infect or hack innocent people, but at least I would understand the purpose. But random babble about Jesus and CBD? Why would someone want to do this? Not only do I want to understand the point, but I also want to understand why the bible thumpers and tweekers are the main culprit.

I am all about random babble…hell, it is pretty much the reason I created this blog. But I do not spew my random babble in the comment section or contact me forms of other sites that have nothing to do with what I am babbling about. I do not do this because I do not see the point. Why waste my time? If I were to want to do this, I would clearly need to do it manually since I do not understand what these bots are or why they were created.


Where did these people find my site? Again, this is a new site with no followers. I do what I can to promote on my social media, but I have limited followers and friends. From my stats, few read my posts. The amount of IP addresses leaving comments far exceeds my views on my site according to my stats page. Where do these bots get their victim pool?

Until this post, I have never mentioned the words Jesus or CBD, so the robots are not picking up key words as their way of finding sites to spam. At this point I am begging for answers. I just do not understand and that frustrates me to no end. This frustration of not understanding is compounded by the frustration of deleting posts and emails daily.


How do I get rid of the spam bots? I have several spam protection options selected, but this seems to do no good. I spend hours adding IP addresses and key words to my block list, but they still get thru. How do these bots have so many IP addresses?

Not being tech savvy in the least, I have resorted to asking Google how to help prevent all these Jesus and CBD spam bots. There are many posts about this problem, so I am obviously not the only one, but none of the suggestions seem to work. How do I stop this? How are there not any tried-and-true solutions to this? With all of the technology and opinions out there, it seems like someone should have figured this out by now.


While I am writing this, I received a total of 9 CBD comments. I have only been writing for about 35 minutes. That seems more than excessive. Is being logged in a factor as to when the spam happens? I get many Jesus and CBD spam bots at all hours of the day whether I am currently writing or not, but it does seem to happen more while I am logged in.

Could I just be more aware when I am writing since the little pop up keeps showing as I am trying to get my thoughts out? I am now going to monitor when I am getting them to see if there is a correlation to being logged in. Is there a day or time that the Jesus lovers are more active than the CBD users? When will the spamming end?

Crazy Babble or Just My Voice of Reason?

As usual, I feel like I cannot be the only one frustrated with Jesus and CBD robot spammers. I do not understand how this would not annoy everyone. Can someone please tell me that I am not alone in this? While you are at it, please tell me how to make it stop. I honestly believe all of my questions are reasonable. All of my requests are reasonable. Let me know I am not crazy!

2 Replies to “Jesus, CBD, and Robots

  1. It was my experience that the spam peaks when you are first starting, so you have to smash a lot of them before they back off. Kinda like a group of kids when one of them gets in trouble makes the others retreat, at least a little bit. Hang in there, and welcome to writing on the Internet!

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